Wednesday, March 2, 2016

How it Started Pt. 3

I spent the next few days trying to think of another reason I might need him to come over, to spend time with me outside of work.

He was trying too, but in a more subtle way. He told me about the handyman business he was running and gave me one of his magnetic business cards. He also let me know that he could do other work too. He could do everything and anything I would ever need.

As it turns out, I DID need some handyman and other work done.

I needed the brakes in my truck replaced, I needed a light fixture installed in my living room, and I was sure my grandma/landlord/downstairs neighbor needed something too.

The next night, when Quin was working, I made my way into the gas station to ask him for the things I needed.

We started texting the net day, casually, and about the work that I needed done. Flirting just a little in the background.

That weekend he came over to install my new brake pads, and I had never been so nervous. We pulled my truck into my next door neighbors garage and I sat on a small camping cooler, high a hell, watching, and talking, and joking, just as if we were working without the constant interruption from people who couldn't remember what kind of cigarette they smoked. It was smooth and goofy, and way too much fun.

He left as soon as my brakes were installed. We had had a great time, but it wasn't good enough. I wanted more, needed it.

I invited him back the next day to install a light fixture in my living room and to help my grandma with moving some furniture and some other lifting. I knew that the longer I could keep him around the happier I would be. Even if I did have to pay him.

He spent hours with me that day, laughing, and joking, and working of course. I couldn't bring myself to be away from him for even a second if I had the choice, so even though I was paying him for his services, I worked right along side of him.

Both of us were genuinely smiling for the first time since we could remember. I felt as if the world had been lifted from my shoulders. As if all of the sadness and anger I had been carrying since the beginning of my time was suddenly weightless.

I couldn't get enough of it.

After he left late that afternoon he texted me, messages that I will never forget.

Quintin: "You're a really amazing person and absolutely the sweetest girl I have ever met."

Logan: "You're too good to me."

Quintin: "You deserve to hear these things, unfortunately I am not able to tell you in person yet."

Logan: "Tell me what?"

Quintin: "How positively intoxicating you are."

...and that is how it all started.

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